Individual High Performance Coaching
A set of twelve one hour sessions done over the phone or by Zoom, you'll receive a summary after each session. Great for those who would like personal attention tailored to their needs in a more private setting.
Clients may choose weekly, bimonthly or monthly sessions to best suit their availability. Choose from:
Benefits for you:
12 Sessions of individual coaching
Personal & Private
Easily accessible via phone or Zoom
Extended learning worksheet to help cement your learnings
Isn't life great? So many choices. Oscar Wilde said "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." Don't settle for less than you deserve, choose to live with intent and joy in all areas of your life.
A professional coach/counselor for over 30 years, Lynda's professional training includes a BA in Psychology and an MA in Counselling Psychology.
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